Entrepreneur . Researcher . Physician . Specialist

news and research


White papers: Cryopreserved Amniotic Fluid RHEO 2018, dehydrated human placental membrane a therapeutic solution 2018 Amniotic Tissues for the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciosis and Achilles Tendinosis Journal of Sports Medicine Volume 2015



American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians, April 2018, Miami Fl, Regenerative Therapeutic protocols, making the impossible, possible.
American Podiatric Medical Association: Neuromodulation, placental tissue and treating neuropathy, pilot study results and outcomes. July 24, 2017 Nashville, TN.
The Future of Regenerative Medicine Congress 2017, Placental tissue and integrative regenerative therapies. May 19-21, 2017 Teaneck, NJ.
Integrative Regenerative Medicine – Placental tissue bringing it into mainstream regenerative therapies. 1st international regenerative medicine conference, San Jose, Costa Rica April 6-8, 2017
Yale University Orthopedic department Grand rounds; Neuromodulation, placental tissue and treating neuropathy, pilot study results and outcomes. October 24, 2016
Ankle Arthroscopy, Tendon Repair, Lateral ankle stabilization, University Kiel C. Albrecht medical college Kiel, Germany November 2009
Xenograft – equine pericardium use in treating tendon injuries and ulcers Modesto Podiatric Medical Association October 2008
Innovations in medical office technology: EMR’s and other tech tools to increase efficiency leading to a paperless office 2003/2004/2005 ACFAS, 2006 Arizona state meeting
Intermetatarsal ligament decompression an alternative treatment for intermetatarsal Neuroma. 2004/2005 APMA, ACFAS
Knotless fixation – soft tissue anchors in foot and ankle repair Venezuelan Orthopedics May 2008
ExtraCorporeal Shockwave Therapy, another tool in the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis.

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